Really tough reasons why we are your partner in recycling
More reliable
The proper and legally compliant documentation of waste is a must for you? For us too! We comply with the legally stipulated methods of disposal and document these methods reliably. We can ensure proper implementation and documentation for you, even in the case of cross-border transit by means of notification, custom duties, etc. The stable and scheduled disposal of your materials is important to us.
More experienced
We dispose of a broad range of bottom ash, fuels for power stations and cement mills, industrial waste, domestic and/or commercial waste, organic waste, screened fractions, etc. for you. Our clients include municipalities, collectors, processors as well as industrial producers.
More economic
You are looking for a national or even an international price comparison for your material as well as a reliable partner in disposal? For more than 10 years, we have been working successfully on the extension of our disposal business. Experience abroad rounds off our knowledge and the contacts for you. Our stable team, built of colleagues with many years of professional experience, is available to you for consultation. Our in-house system of logistics removes your material flows promptly and reliably.
More liquid
We offer our partners short-term payment conditions including “immediately upon receipt of invoice”. We have a trustworthy rating with the internationally known commercial credit insurers such as Hermes, Atradius, Coface, as well as the information from Creditreform. We guarantee the smooth payment of your materials.

Jan Schlichtmann
Managing Partner RETRALOG Recycling GmbH